Saturday, November 2, 2013

I missed Mondays....901-909

One of the things I missed while I could not figure out the formatting was the list for Multitude Mondays. I got up to 900. I tried to journal in a notebook, but I find that notebooks don't work for me. I must have 4-5 floating around the house but I never remember to pick them up, and when I do, I can type a whole lot faster than I can write so I found it frustrating. are the next 10...since it is now midnight and I have to get to bed...

901. My blog being back in action
902. My beloveds job (this one ends in December, so we shall see what God has in mind)
903. Homeschooling...I learn so much, and it is such joy watching them grow and learn.
904. A warm house during our recent winter weather
905. The ability to help my mom
906. kids around the table playing silly games and eating popcorn
907. my beloved willing to work 2 jobs so I can stay with the kids
908. My oldest ones first successful deer hunt
909. "family game nite" cutting and freezing the deer
910. A family friend who was by the side of my oldest as his first deer was taken.

Lord, you have blessed me with so much, there is no way I can realistically list all of the blessings, but I pray this blog will keep going so that I can try :) Thank you Father God for all you have given me, this is not what I deserve, you see fit to bless me anyway.

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