Wednesday, August 6, 2008

First Day of School

On Monday August 4th, we "officially" started our school year. I thought I would be pushing Christian to hard with doing first grade work (he won't be 5 until next month) but I cannot slow him down! He loves learning at the first grade level, and quickly becomes bored with preschool and kindergarten stuff.

Lacy was excited to start her new books for the year for our core classes of Math and English.

May God bless us this year! and be pleased with the work we do.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Way to go Christian! That is so awesome to hear the love of learning from little ones! It sounds like you guys started off with a bang! Since we school year round we don't really have a starting and stopping date.. Maybe we should have a "special" day that the kids can celebrate with.. :)