Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Multitude Monday 911 -

As a Christian, God will often teach me things that can rattle what I thought was true because a pastor spoke it or a christian author wrote it. Recently I was introduced to the preaching of Voddie Baucham and a couple of other pastors who highlighted the erring ways of the church. When my 3 grands were little, I did not send them off to "children's church" but expected them to stay in the santuary and worship with us. I could never find a biblical basis for separating the family.

As I read the bible versus things being taught in the churches, they contradict. One thing Baucham pointed out is how our churches are sissifiying Jesus. "Jesus needs you, Jesus wants you" Jesus loves you....they have removed the fact that God is not just a little old man "up there" looking down on his children and saying "kids will be kids" to the contrary, God is Judge, God will discipline, God will correct and it will hurt!!!! There is so much on this my head is reeling, I will have to go back and listen to the sermon "Brokenness" again (this is available on youtube)

In the meantime...

911. Thank you Lord, for correcting wrong lessons learned
912. For home churches where we can go in depth into your word, not just have our ears tickled
913. for friends willing to step up and a willingness to hold us all accountable
914. For new portraits of my 3 grands!
915. For the oldest going out hunting and his papa and friend who are so eager to teach him.
916. for the group of men who meet to help eachother overcome their sinful pasts that they may become the husbands/fathers/servants you want them to be.
917. for the visible growth I see in my beloved,
918. for him realizing he is a mentor to young men, a role he did not realize he even had
919. for Tony and his families trip to UT
920. for each breath you have given to me this day! my heart is in awe. By any standard man puts in place, this young man should not be alive....yet through God's perfect timing, God's perfect plan, he is healing. His mom, his dad and sisters have truly experienced the peace given by our Lord Jesus. This week he is going for a checkup...They remain in prayer for this checkup and trip home :)

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