Friday, November 8, 2013

Praying for my sister

A long time ago, we as a family use to watch the old tv Hee Haw. There is a song that was sung that became (jokingly)) our family motto....Gloom despair and agony on me. Deep dark depression excessive misery, if it weren't for bad luck I have no luck at all....

This lately seems to have been taken to heart by my sister. About 20 years ago she was diagonsed with a mental illness, after that she was in a car accident that damaged her lower back. As the docs were looking at the lower back they noticed she has a herniated disc and a birth defect where one of the vertebrae is totally missing. Years go by, the pain gets worse and worse to the point simple household chores now take all day, sweeping/vacuuming are out of the picture.

Recently she got a new doc, he was running MRI's on her back and found an adrenal tumor. He reviewed her records and found this noted back in 2008, however it was also noted that the patient (my sister) was not informed. The tumor is now huge! It covers part of her kidney, around her spine resulting in it being in both sides of her body...thus he effectivly found a huge source for the back pain. December 3 she goes in to have the tumor and the adrenal gland removed, possibly one kidney as well depending on what they find once they get inside.

Here's the catch, the doc says the tumor is active and has probably been there for 15-20 means that the mental illness may actually be caused by the tumor producing huge amounts of hormones (she has had so many tests through the years for hormonal imbalance but no doc ever looked for this). So for the past 20 years she has lived a life of poverty and pain because of the inablity to work and this may have all been in vain.

Poor woman!!! I pray that this surgery will restore her physically and mentally, that she will come out stronger than ever and really begin to be able to live again! I pray that it is not malignant (statiscally it will be) as she has had enough. I pray that by the beginning of the new year she will be able to start fresh.....

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