Friday, December 6, 2013


We were very blessed again to be surrounded by family on Thanksgiving. Through the years, this holiday (as well as Christmas) has migrated to my house on a "permanant" basis. For this, I am grateful, no rushing around to get everyone out on time.

A few days before Thanksgiving, I pulled out our decorations (I don't have many) and realized they had seen better days. So this is where my grandaughter stepped up to the plate. We pulled apart many of the decoration and I had her reconstruct them. I came up with a decorated candle holder, a decorated pumpkin, a wreath and some other small decorative bits. She did an incredible job. I tried to post pictures, but my laptop has seen better days and I will have to look for a way to add those later.

We set 2 tables, a smaller one for the "littles" and the larger one for the rest of us. One day I hope to have a table that I can extend so we can be at the same table, but for now, this will work. My princess again came through decorating each of the tables, setting them and preparing for our feast.

We serve the same dinner every year with little variation. Turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, veggies, cauliflower with cheese sauce (my personal favorite), stuffing, "heavenly hash", pears with cranberry sauce, celery with cream cheese, olives...oh the wonderful olives! Dinner rolls with butter. After everyone has eaten their fill, we then add to the joy with pies, this year was dutch apple, pumpkin and pecan. Then we let the food coma's commence.

My daughter found "crackers' which we usually see only at Christmas. these "pop" as each end is pulled, out comes a hat, jokes and a prize. The kids love these and wearing the crowns for their meal.

A number of years ago, we started doing little slips of paper in which everyone wrote things they were thankful for, we did the same this year. Afterwards we review what was said in prior years. Some responses are quite serious, others a touch of humor. Either way, each one brough a smile of rememberance. Next year I think I shall have princess make a poster instead of slips of paper for a change.

By 4, all the company had gone home, we sat talked, played games and enjoyed being together as a family. What a wonderful day!

(this is the kids favorite)

Bag of mini marshmallows (must be Kraft or they will melt away)
1 tin of mandarin oranges
1 tin of crushed pineapple

Mix these together and add enough sour cream to moisten. Let sit for a couple hours (in the fridge) prior to serving.

Now the preparation for Christmas begin!!!!

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