Monday, November 25, 2013

Home Church

Our church is in a bit of mess. The "leadership" has chosen to take the church down the path of the Emergent Church and Seeker church paths. Maybe you are not aware of what this is. The short of it is that this movement turns the church from God Centered place of worship, from a sanctuary to a man centered feel good gathering place. It actually causes the breakdown of the family through pushing ministries over family. Sermons are watered down, speaking of topic more than exposition, and IF there is any expository teaching it is "oversimplified" and turned into a feel good service rather than just holding the word of God on their own.

During this season, a few families are gathering once a month and hold church in our homes. This week was my turn. I was concerned because we had 17 people to fit into my small (and still not quite finished)home. Between 9:30 and 10 everyone arrived, I showed them around (a 3 minute tour tops) and we gathered into the living room/dining room to open our worship service.

My beloved prayed, asking that these members maintain faith during this church crisis, that the young people will learn that it is okay to question leadership (based on James admonition that we prove all things). He prayed for unity among those who desire to see the church corrected, and that the hearts of those who are following this emergent path will be opened to the danger this possess.

To backtrack a little, we have dumped our satellite service and gone to a Roku. This offers a application called Plex in which we can watch you tube on it. For my time to host, this is what we used to for the sermon and music.

I chose a song by Paul Wilbur. I was hoping this would calm hearts and prepare us for the chosen message. We then listened to the message by Voddie Baucham In this sermon, Dr. Baucham describes what church is suppose to look like biblically. Powerful message when we see that our churches, like the world our minimizing our roles in family. Instead of a closing song we watched "Do you Know Him?", . This is a short and powerful reminder of just who our King is. How powerful, awesome etc. We then shared communion with this beloved church family. Closing prayer and lunch. We did not send the kids off, they sat at the table and colored pictures, being attentive to the message, they were included in the discussion time that followed. A few of them offered input that was welcomed. It was wonderful.

The day before, I cooked up 2 pots of chili (we only needed one but I was concerned about not having enough), another family brought up rice, another cornbread and yet another cake for dessert. I had also picked up hot dogs for those who wanted chili dogs or the just hot dogs. We blessed the food and enjoyed eachothers company. After lunch we watched another 10 minute video that is about the emergent church/seeker church path. At this time we had discussion time.

A little bit of history, my beloved and I have been through this before, this devistation and tearing up of a chuch, leaders who look more like Saul than Jesus. We did end up leaving that church. So we have a very unique perspective in this group. I pray that this time encourge and lifted them.

It was a few hours later that everyone had to head home....this is what church is!!!

Thank you Lord for this time!!!

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