Friday, February 24, 2012

3 in 30 Feb 24

Been a hectic week!!! Saturday I did a super deep clean of the princess' room, tossed out bags of clothes that dont fit and broken toys. I went in there right after breakfast. Sunday we just spent the day together and because hubby had Monday off we went to the range to practice shooting.

Hubby got me a pump action 22 after my dad died, a replica of his rifle (the original went to my brother.) It is open sites so I need practice as I keep shooting low left.

So Sunday and Monday were out for exercise, however I am still watching the quality and quantity of food ;0). I must be doing something right as my jeans are getting a looser! I accomplished a 45 minute "maximum weight loss" pilates that kicked my butt! boy did it feel good.

My bible reading is still part of my morning habit, and I am really loving spending time with God, reading HIS words, seeing lessons each day that I can walk away with.

The socks...well I totally forgot about them!!! Dont think I will accomplish the goal of three pair this month, but at least I can work on getting one pair finished. I will take it! I find myself reading more than I should, I finished a book called Letters of a Woman Homesteader. Written by Elinore Pruitt Stewart. Quite the interesting read about a womans life as she homesteads a claim in Montana for herself. (this was a freebie on Kindle). I just started reading another called The Girl from Montana by Grace Livingston Hill.

The computer also failed a couple of days...I have learned of my self that I will "get lost" in this box when I am overtired and cannot think. I pray it is a passing phase but insomnia and I have become close friends. I have not slept right through the night in about 2 weeks, and sometimes when I wake I cannot get back to sleep. Tuesday night I awoke 4 times, finally stayed awake at 5 am, which normally is okay if I have not been up and down...this to shall pass.

Not a bad week, not the greatest


Unknown said...

That is always exciting when your jeans get loser!
I often have insomnia as well. Hopefully yours passes soon.
Take care and have a great weekend!!!

Deanna Kohlhofer said...

You must be doing something right if your jeans are fitting better. Love it when that happens! It looks like you had a good month overall - way to go!

Lynn said...

yeh for the weight loss.. I know how exciting it is to feel the pants get bigger even though the scale isn't moving. That is what's happening to me.. Wish we lived closer, we could walk together.. :)