Friday, March 2, 2012

3 in 30 ... Goals for March

I cannot believe it is March already. I blinked and the month of February is gone.
Last week I did not exercise daily, missing both Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday I got back on track...I try to talk myself out of it...whining...I don't want to, but I always feel better when I do.

Bible reading is on track, but the knitting, I just cant find the motivation to pick it up. It will come again, just not today.

For March...

*Goal 1 - spiritual well being*
I am keeping the bible reading goal, it is imperitive to my well being and by putting it in writing (or typing as the case may be) I somehow feel more compelled to keep it going. So that is my first goal for March.

*Goal 2 - physical well being*
Today I tried the Cathe Power Hour workout....ouch!!! I had to lower the weights a couple of times and struggled on some of the exercises, Yesterday I tried a MMA workout (also by Cathe) and could not keep up (it is 45 mins vs the 25 or so minutes on the shred). goal is to be able to complete these total workouts by the end of the month.

*Goal 3 - Emotional well being*
I find this is directly attached to the condition of my house. We have been remodeling for years, but my beloved puts the PRO in procrastination. As a result, my housekeeping is not where it was as I find that I am defeated before I start, but this does not have to be the case...The kitchen wont look "good" if the drywall on one wall has not been finished and the carpet has seen better days. I cannot do a total remodel yet due to finances and we have cupboards in the garage that need to be refinished. SO, I have made up my own chore charts (actually most pulled off pintrest) and will work towards accomplishing these daily, as well as continue to go through and thin out what I dont want/use or need. (Last weekend I cleared out 4 large garbage bags by going through the master bedroom closet, and 6 large bags of broken and old toys from the kids rooms and over the past few days I have already gone through most of my kitchen cupboards and tossed a lot of duplicate items.

Another 30 day journey begins.


Harvest Moon by Hand said...

You got rid of 10 bags of stuff! What a wonderful feeling that must have been! You've set great goals for March.

Unknown said...

Wow - you've already made such good progress :) I'll be cheering you this month!

Lynn said...

love how you categorized your goals this month :) Sounds great.. You'll have to explain what Cathe Power Hour workout. Haven't heard of that one. When I can't get to the gym or run outside I do Biggest Loser workouts :)

Tami @ This Mom's Delight said...

Great way to divide your goals out! I'm looking forward to seeing your results!