Friday, February 17, 2012

3 in 30 ... February 17

Continuing to look forward.....

The exercise portion of my goals got thrown this week. By the time I was done with the homeschool Co-op on Monday and had to run to pick up some groceries, I was to exhausted to even try. The only other skipped day was yesterday, I had to run in town for a doctors appointment for my youngest, then run errands, we ended up having lunch with their mom, and I was so aware that exercise would be limited so I only ate 1/2 of the huge meal. I had planned on getting in at least 20 minutes in but my sister in law called and she was on the phone for quite a while, by the time dinner was done, I was ready for bed.

When I was out yesterday, I picked up a pedometer and in trying to use time better I want to use that while the kids are in the tae kwon do classes to walk. I have taken my kindle to read in the past, but think that this will be a better use of time.

I still continue to read the bible each morning, what a wonderful way to wake in one hand and God's word in the other, in the silence of the morning before everyone rouses out of bed.

Because of family demands I have not done much on the knitting, I have one sock close to done, and should be able to finish it this evening.

As far as the internet. I am trying to re-establish an attitude of it being a tool, not a toy, use as needed. I find that that keeps me off it for huge amounts of time. I have decided to write a list of things to use it for so that it does not suck away time in useless endevours.


Nikki said...

It sounds like the most important goal got done: reading the Bible every day. I wish that I could say that I have done that this week.

Jenni said...

You are making good progress! :)

Unknown said...

I really like the idea of using the pedometer and going for walks while they are at taekwondo.

Harvest Moon by Hand said...

You worked on each of your goals which is great! Congratulations! Smart idea about using a pedometer and walking rather than reading. I really should do that...

Lynn said...

I love the idea of writing a list of the reasons to use the computer. I think that would help me visually on the real need to be on this.. Great post!