Thursday, November 14, 2013

The new kitchen :)

At the beginning of the year, my beloved let me know we had the money to redo my kitchen. It needed it very badly. Our home is a doublewide trailer. The cabinets had been "built" from thin sheet rock and less than quality everything. So we totally gutted it. My beloved re sheetrocked (trailer houses use 1/4 in sheet rock, this has been upgraded to the real stuff at 1/2".) We have put in a new subfloor and flooring, new cabinets, new counters and expanded the kitchen by about a foot. It is amazing how much bigger that makes the kitchen feel!

Here my darling is working on the mud and tap process of the new sheet rock. While this wall was opened we insulated the wall between the kitchen and the laundry room. We also insulated the crawlspace attic, hoping to save on heat loss.

The wall on the right was the wall that was moved out about a foot to make the kitchen a little larger. The 1/2 wall part is to try to keep the kitchen more open to the living area. I needed the wall here as this is where the stove will go and it bothers me that grease etc would splash over into the living pet peeve...

Painting done, new floor in, the cabinets being placed in. I love the new cabinets!!! It took a couple days to get these in since we did the work ourselves...that's okay.

We do have more done as now my kitchen is functional but not yet finished...I will post the results later. We still have to trim out under cabinets, we had to add onto the 1/2 wall by about a few measly inches due to the house not being square, the light fixture will be replaced with a ceiling fan/light fixture, We need the stove fan placed in and that cabinet adapted for that, and I have a tile backsplash to put around the kitchen (we shall do this almost last to keep the grout color true for all the tiles.

I am so grateful that God has given my husband the knowledge to do all of this work. I cannot/willnot complain about the unfinished tasks ahead of us..due to a huge cut in his salary he has taken on a second job while doing this. It will happen in time...

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