Friday, November 15, 2013

The impromptu debate

Last night the kids and I were talking of creation vs evolution. We were discussing what the evolutionists believe, and why it cannot be so. We have been reading the Thinking Toolbox, so we started talking about the opposing point of view and how important it was to know what the other side is. We talked of how/why people would believe in evolution etc. My oldest, who did some debating last year in co-op so he suggested a debate.

Because of the age difference, the two younger ones worked together while the older one was on his own. The subject was "Why I should be able to play video games whenever I want" The oldest was pro, the others con.

The oldest went first and reasoned with arguments like developing eye hand coordination, developing problem solving skills, social aspect of common ground with friends, time with friends. Pretty good arguements (not that I agree with them). The younger two in combining their efforts came up with time waster, encourages laziness, encourages fighting, and a few other points. Since the younger two have not really reached the "logic" stage of thinking, they did quite well.

The best part was it was so much fun, and they want to do it again...

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