Wednesday, April 16, 2014

updating ....

When DH and I got married we both fully intended to follow a budget...the intentions went out the window. For to long it seemed as if we both had a different agenda and were running them independently of eachother. That is now out the window.

In November we started working through Dave Ramey's budgeting, now we are on the same page for the first time EVER as far as budgeting goes. I am loving the fact that we have a goal (ok, a lot of goals) that we are working on together, and he is loving the fact that we have recognized a lot of waste. SOOO, on we shall continue with this new journey for us. I love the fact that due to our different abilities I have been put in charge of the paperwork since I tend to do that better than he does.

We have been looking for a new church family and have been struggling with what is available in our town. We are extremely conservative Christians and struggle with how much the world has crept into the church body. We had to leave the church we had been attending for a few years because the pastor was going down the road of the emergent church and even going so far as to decide that the requirements for church leadership did not apply as he try to vet a divorcee as a leader in the church.

Homeschooling is plodding along. Of all the subjects we do, my three love literature the most. We just finished reading Call of the Wild, we are now reading The Odyssey, and the next book will be White Fang (requested by the 12 year old). As they grow, the "schooling" becomes easier for me as they are able to work independently more and more...YEAH!!!

At 14, the oldest is attending a basket ball clinic for the next few weeks to see if he can make the team this coming year. He is sooo excited, especially when he found a friend of his is going as well :) This June, the 12 year old will be attending a volley ball clinic. Nothing yet for the 10 year old who so desperately wants to play soccer.

This will be the first year my oldest attends the annual "Spring Fling"...It is a semi formal dance (prom) for the kids. He is soooo excited, we went out and purchased him new shoes, pants, shirt and a tie (his choice!) He definitely is growing up. How exciting this journey is to see him grow from child to man.

Friday, December 6, 2013


We were very blessed again to be surrounded by family on Thanksgiving. Through the years, this holiday (as well as Christmas) has migrated to my house on a "permanant" basis. For this, I am grateful, no rushing around to get everyone out on time.

A few days before Thanksgiving, I pulled out our decorations (I don't have many) and realized they had seen better days. So this is where my grandaughter stepped up to the plate. We pulled apart many of the decoration and I had her reconstruct them. I came up with a decorated candle holder, a decorated pumpkin, a wreath and some other small decorative bits. She did an incredible job. I tried to post pictures, but my laptop has seen better days and I will have to look for a way to add those later.

We set 2 tables, a smaller one for the "littles" and the larger one for the rest of us. One day I hope to have a table that I can extend so we can be at the same table, but for now, this will work. My princess again came through decorating each of the tables, setting them and preparing for our feast.

We serve the same dinner every year with little variation. Turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, veggies, cauliflower with cheese sauce (my personal favorite), stuffing, "heavenly hash", pears with cranberry sauce, celery with cream cheese, olives...oh the wonderful olives! Dinner rolls with butter. After everyone has eaten their fill, we then add to the joy with pies, this year was dutch apple, pumpkin and pecan. Then we let the food coma's commence.

My daughter found "crackers' which we usually see only at Christmas. these "pop" as each end is pulled, out comes a hat, jokes and a prize. The kids love these and wearing the crowns for their meal.

A number of years ago, we started doing little slips of paper in which everyone wrote things they were thankful for, we did the same this year. Afterwards we review what was said in prior years. Some responses are quite serious, others a touch of humor. Either way, each one brough a smile of rememberance. Next year I think I shall have princess make a poster instead of slips of paper for a change.

By 4, all the company had gone home, we sat talked, played games and enjoyed being together as a family. What a wonderful day!

(this is the kids favorite)

Bag of mini marshmallows (must be Kraft or they will melt away)
1 tin of mandarin oranges
1 tin of crushed pineapple

Mix these together and add enough sour cream to moisten. Let sit for a couple hours (in the fridge) prior to serving.

Now the preparation for Christmas begin!!!!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Home Church

Our church is in a bit of mess. The "leadership" has chosen to take the church down the path of the Emergent Church and Seeker church paths. Maybe you are not aware of what this is. The short of it is that this movement turns the church from God Centered place of worship, from a sanctuary to a man centered feel good gathering place. It actually causes the breakdown of the family through pushing ministries over family. Sermons are watered down, speaking of topic more than exposition, and IF there is any expository teaching it is "oversimplified" and turned into a feel good service rather than just holding the word of God on their own.

During this season, a few families are gathering once a month and hold church in our homes. This week was my turn. I was concerned because we had 17 people to fit into my small (and still not quite finished)home. Between 9:30 and 10 everyone arrived, I showed them around (a 3 minute tour tops) and we gathered into the living room/dining room to open our worship service.

My beloved prayed, asking that these members maintain faith during this church crisis, that the young people will learn that it is okay to question leadership (based on James admonition that we prove all things). He prayed for unity among those who desire to see the church corrected, and that the hearts of those who are following this emergent path will be opened to the danger this possess.

To backtrack a little, we have dumped our satellite service and gone to a Roku. This offers a application called Plex in which we can watch you tube on it. For my time to host, this is what we used to for the sermon and music.

I chose a song by Paul Wilbur. I was hoping this would calm hearts and prepare us for the chosen message. We then listened to the message by Voddie Baucham In this sermon, Dr. Baucham describes what church is suppose to look like biblically. Powerful message when we see that our churches, like the world our minimizing our roles in family. Instead of a closing song we watched "Do you Know Him?", . This is a short and powerful reminder of just who our King is. How powerful, awesome etc. We then shared communion with this beloved church family. Closing prayer and lunch. We did not send the kids off, they sat at the table and colored pictures, being attentive to the message, they were included in the discussion time that followed. A few of them offered input that was welcomed. It was wonderful.

The day before, I cooked up 2 pots of chili (we only needed one but I was concerned about not having enough), another family brought up rice, another cornbread and yet another cake for dessert. I had also picked up hot dogs for those who wanted chili dogs or the just hot dogs. We blessed the food and enjoyed eachothers company. After lunch we watched another 10 minute video that is about the emergent church/seeker church path. At this time we had discussion time.

A little bit of history, my beloved and I have been through this before, this devistation and tearing up of a chuch, leaders who look more like Saul than Jesus. We did end up leaving that church. So we have a very unique perspective in this group. I pray that this time encourge and lifted them.

It was a few hours later that everyone had to head home....this is what church is!!!

Thank you Lord for this time!!!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

A grateful heart 931 to

On facebook I belong to a site called the Educational Freedom Coalition. The Author of this site has done a remarkable work contacting curriculum companies to get their stance on Common Core and the implentations of CC standards. It is a wonderful resource for choosing curriculums!

On this site, there are times when posts will be made regarding curriculums presented in public schools. One was on a history book that has an entire chapter dedicated to Islam, not only the Islamic empire, but the religion itself. A muslim stated that we were out of line with it being put in. I asked him if there was a chapter on Christianity or Judiasm. He went on to state that I did not want muslim history taught at all, totally taking my post out of context. I ended the discussion pointing out that if CC standard was separation of chuch and state (taken out of context) this should include all religion. I refused to discuss Christianity vs Islam.

That has caused me to reflect on my Lord and Saviour....

931. Jesus, thank you for giving your life for me.
932. Thank you for the Holy Spirit to guide me
933. thank your word that I may know you better
934. For Christian fellowship
935. for living in a country in which you were instrumental in founding (I only pray that you will correct this nation)
936. For the abilty to teach my 3 charges about you
937. for lessons I learn about who you are and who I am in you
938. for life itself
939. for the internet in which I can use as a tool to "prove all things" as you have admonished us to do
940. For wisdom that I knew when and how to quit this discussion.

Friday, November 15, 2013

The impromptu debate

Last night the kids and I were talking of creation vs evolution. We were discussing what the evolutionists believe, and why it cannot be so. We have been reading the Thinking Toolbox, so we started talking about the opposing point of view and how important it was to know what the other side is. We talked of how/why people would believe in evolution etc. My oldest, who did some debating last year in co-op so he suggested a debate.

Because of the age difference, the two younger ones worked together while the older one was on his own. The subject was "Why I should be able to play video games whenever I want" The oldest was pro, the others con.

The oldest went first and reasoned with arguments like developing eye hand coordination, developing problem solving skills, social aspect of common ground with friends, time with friends. Pretty good arguements (not that I agree with them). The younger two in combining their efforts came up with time waster, encourages laziness, encourages fighting, and a few other points. Since the younger two have not really reached the "logic" stage of thinking, they did quite well.

The best part was it was so much fun, and they want to do it again...

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The new kitchen :)

At the beginning of the year, my beloved let me know we had the money to redo my kitchen. It needed it very badly. Our home is a doublewide trailer. The cabinets had been "built" from thin sheet rock and less than quality everything. So we totally gutted it. My beloved re sheetrocked (trailer houses use 1/4 in sheet rock, this has been upgraded to the real stuff at 1/2".) We have put in a new subfloor and flooring, new cabinets, new counters and expanded the kitchen by about a foot. It is amazing how much bigger that makes the kitchen feel!

Here my darling is working on the mud and tap process of the new sheet rock. While this wall was opened we insulated the wall between the kitchen and the laundry room. We also insulated the crawlspace attic, hoping to save on heat loss.

The wall on the right was the wall that was moved out about a foot to make the kitchen a little larger. The 1/2 wall part is to try to keep the kitchen more open to the living area. I needed the wall here as this is where the stove will go and it bothers me that grease etc would splash over into the living pet peeve...

Painting done, new floor in, the cabinets being placed in. I love the new cabinets!!! It took a couple days to get these in since we did the work ourselves...that's okay.

We do have more done as now my kitchen is functional but not yet finished...I will post the results later. We still have to trim out under cabinets, we had to add onto the 1/2 wall by about a few measly inches due to the house not being square, the light fixture will be replaced with a ceiling fan/light fixture, We need the stove fan placed in and that cabinet adapted for that, and I have a tile backsplash to put around the kitchen (we shall do this almost last to keep the grout color true for all the tiles.

I am so grateful that God has given my husband the knowledge to do all of this work. I cannot/willnot complain about the unfinished tasks ahead of us..due to a huge cut in his salary he has taken on a second job while doing this. It will happen in time...

Monday, November 11, 2013

Multitude Mondays...11/11

Because I have homeschooled, I have relearned so much history that would be otherwise forgotten. I have read so many books that cover our history accurately, not the watered down and "revised" versions offered through our public school system. Growing up as an "Air Force Brat", the transition from one base to another/one school to another really resulted in some inconsistencies in curriculum. I have learned to love history!

As I stated, my father was in the Air Force, he actually started off in the US Army, got out and joined the AF after he married my mother and I came along. In his desire to support his beloved and me, they choice the AF as the most family friendly of the military services. He and my mom sacrificed their dreams to support his family (my dad wanted to go to medical school but he had a family to support)

921. For my parents, who taught me to love my country
922. being taught never to take my freedoms...our freedoms for granted
923. For the Star Spangled Banner that put tears in my eyes and makes my heart proud to be an American
924. For the Pledge of Allegiance
925. For my parents love of this country (despite the fact that my mom is English)
926. To each and every "radical" that founded our country, surrendering everything they had, including their lives
927. Each and every patriot/hero who serves or who has served to protect our freedoms, and their willingness to lay down their lives
928. To the families of our veterans who sacrifice more than civilians could ever know
929. My beloved, who started serving in the Navy on an Air Craft carrier. When he got out he now serves full time with the Air National Guard.
930. I am grateful to those who see the desecration of our rights and fight to restore them!

May God Bless each of these families today and every day, and may God bless the USA!!!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Praying for my sister

A long time ago, we as a family use to watch the old tv Hee Haw. There is a song that was sung that became (jokingly)) our family motto....Gloom despair and agony on me. Deep dark depression excessive misery, if it weren't for bad luck I have no luck at all....

This lately seems to have been taken to heart by my sister. About 20 years ago she was diagonsed with a mental illness, after that she was in a car accident that damaged her lower back. As the docs were looking at the lower back they noticed she has a herniated disc and a birth defect where one of the vertebrae is totally missing. Years go by, the pain gets worse and worse to the point simple household chores now take all day, sweeping/vacuuming are out of the picture.

Recently she got a new doc, he was running MRI's on her back and found an adrenal tumor. He reviewed her records and found this noted back in 2008, however it was also noted that the patient (my sister) was not informed. The tumor is now huge! It covers part of her kidney, around her spine resulting in it being in both sides of her body...thus he effectivly found a huge source for the back pain. December 3 she goes in to have the tumor and the adrenal gland removed, possibly one kidney as well depending on what they find once they get inside.

Here's the catch, the doc says the tumor is active and has probably been there for 15-20 means that the mental illness may actually be caused by the tumor producing huge amounts of hormones (she has had so many tests through the years for hormonal imbalance but no doc ever looked for this). So for the past 20 years she has lived a life of poverty and pain because of the inablity to work and this may have all been in vain.

Poor woman!!! I pray that this surgery will restore her physically and mentally, that she will come out stronger than ever and really begin to be able to live again! I pray that it is not malignant (statiscally it will be) as she has had enough. I pray that by the beginning of the new year she will be able to start fresh.....

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Multitude Monday 911 -

As a Christian, God will often teach me things that can rattle what I thought was true because a pastor spoke it or a christian author wrote it. Recently I was introduced to the preaching of Voddie Baucham and a couple of other pastors who highlighted the erring ways of the church. When my 3 grands were little, I did not send them off to "children's church" but expected them to stay in the santuary and worship with us. I could never find a biblical basis for separating the family.

As I read the bible versus things being taught in the churches, they contradict. One thing Baucham pointed out is how our churches are sissifiying Jesus. "Jesus needs you, Jesus wants you" Jesus loves you....they have removed the fact that God is not just a little old man "up there" looking down on his children and saying "kids will be kids" to the contrary, God is Judge, God will discipline, God will correct and it will hurt!!!! There is so much on this my head is reeling, I will have to go back and listen to the sermon "Brokenness" again (this is available on youtube)

In the meantime...

911. Thank you Lord, for correcting wrong lessons learned
912. For home churches where we can go in depth into your word, not just have our ears tickled
913. for friends willing to step up and a willingness to hold us all accountable
914. For new portraits of my 3 grands!
915. For the oldest going out hunting and his papa and friend who are so eager to teach him.
916. for the group of men who meet to help eachother overcome their sinful pasts that they may become the husbands/fathers/servants you want them to be.
917. for the visible growth I see in my beloved,
918. for him realizing he is a mentor to young men, a role he did not realize he even had
919. for Tony and his families trip to UT
920. for each breath you have given to me this day! my heart is in awe. By any standard man puts in place, this young man should not be alive....yet through God's perfect timing, God's perfect plan, he is healing. His mom, his dad and sisters have truly experienced the peace given by our Lord Jesus. This week he is going for a checkup...They remain in prayer for this checkup and trip home :)

Home Church

My darling and I have been to so many churches in our home town, but they all seem to lack substance, they either have jumped on one bandwagon or another, or they are stagnant. Currently the church we are attending is going through turmoil (as are so many churches here....definately feel as if they are all under attack)

Sermons lack substance, "bible studies" are either way off track or they follow a particular author rather than the bible, "small groups" become cliques in which we see these groups separated on Sunday mornings with no interaction with the rest of the congregation. Youth groups....nothing more than social events with little to no scripture (statisically these "graduates" are dropping out of churches as an alarming rate).

Some friends and my family longing for "meat" and biblical truth have started to meet once a month to worship God in our homes. We have only had one meeting so far for October and there was more truth spoken in those few hours than in a month of Sunday's at church. What are the seminaries teaching the pastors? To coddle, not to offend, to tickle the ears of the congregation....

In November, we shall meet at my home. We are going to listen to Voddie Baucham on "you tube", sing songs that truly praise God rather that focus on man in the God/Man relationships. After we have been fed by the word of God, we shall feed our bodies. I am cooking up a huge pot of chili and some rice, others are bringing "fixings" for the chili, another is bringing cornbread, another desert. I volunteer to do this thinking there would only be 12 total including us. This has now blossomed to 20! wow...

I have not had an open home before now, the house was a remodeling disaster....I will post on that later. We have not finished, but it is now the the point that it looks more like a home than a construction zone. This will be a new experience for me, however I know God is with us!

For now, this is a temporary thing as we pray over the church, praying God will correct it without the church crumbling, however, if the church fails, we will continue this and rotate homes each week.